150 brilliant ideas to keep young minds fit and fine

Mind your Body

Vote for Balance

Indulge in extreme and you have to pay the price. So go for that loaded pizza or your favourite fondue, snack on fries, indulge your sweet tooth, laze around but then put the balance gear on! Burn it, work out those extra calories and go on just greens for the next day! Or choose an ‘only juices day or relish ‘only salads’ for a day. Give your system time to recover from the onslaught!

Drink and Drive

Did you know dehydration can also cause depression? To repeat the same cliché, H20 is your really friend for life! Replace other high-calorie, sweetened beverages that are served outside of meal times with plain, unflavoured, noncarbonated water. Water is calorie-free, so drinking water during the day can reduce the total number of calories consumed. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day and watch your skin glow, stomach cleanse and your body hydrated.

Sun-bathe with Vitamin buddies

8 out of 10 teenagers are testing positive for Vitamin D deficiency. Long hours of staying indoors , especially in air-conditioned environments are damaging in the long-run. So run outdoors and bask in the sun at least 30 minutes a day – trust me your bones, teeth and joints will bless you for it. Why grow old before your time! Make friends with the sun. Of course , keep your SPF lotions at hand.


Mind your mind

Anger Management in seconds

Sure there is a lot the environment can get you angry about! But what’s the point in staying angry? It can consume you and even ruin you. Thankfully there is a way out... the next time you are up in fumes , just breathe deeply  and count backwards from 10 to 1, slowly, only focusing on the breath and count. The result? A happy smiling face in seconds!

Pest Control

Ever heard of getting rid of pests like fears, phobias, grudges, envy, jealousy, depression? Pest control for the mind is equally essential. Start the spring cleaning: make a list of all the pests in your mind and one by one, clear them out of your system before they start to pose dangers. All it takes is that one moment to decide to do away with them. Not worth keeping them.

Ban the ‘S’ word

What would it be like to live a life minus the stress? Be it studies, exams, results, future plans- the point is at every stage there are things around you that can get you down. Ever wondered why some many teens are hit by acidity? While foods may be the cause but the larger cause is the stress! And all it takes is a moment’s decision to drop the burden. Find your own distressing formula. Talk to a friend, play guitar, swim , write, play a sport, whatever- But take the ‘S’ word out of your life.

Value humans, not things

Have you ever wondered what is the greatest treasure that any society has? It’s human beings. It’s not the cars they drive, the houses they live in, the bridges they build in or the millions they earn. So it’s right when they say – learn to love people and use things and not love things and use people. That is the ultimate aim and purpose of a human being – to love and respect every human being irrespective of their class, sex, age, religion and all other labels. Of course humans rely on interdependence but keep your eyes on the thin line that separates support from opportunism.


Mind your spirit

Breathe your anxieties away

Did anyone tell you how our breath holds the power to pause all our negative emotions and achieve a balance? In fact the breath can control and command our emotions like a remote control. So to junk your worries, simply close your eyes and observe your breath, coming in and going out. If thoughts distract, gently bring your attention back again to your breath... within a few minutes or even seconds, all the anxieties vanish in thin air.

Talk to the Universe

Sometimes even friends and family don’t really understand you. So where do you turn? Try befriending the Universe. That could assume any form. A walk along the sea, even feeling the waves , a swim or a nature walk. Go hug that tree or feel the fresh green hue of the grass. Or just lie on the ground and watch the sky. These seemingly strange things can actually connect you with the Universe. The good news is you will not just have someone listening to you but you will also get a peek into yourself.

Explore your roots

Remember your disgust and boredom when your parents took you to  explore a museum or a religious site or a historical landmark? Simply rejecting your roots is no expression of identity- in fact it’s just the opposite. These things may have no significance for you but do you know delving into your own culture, civilization, probing your own roots can really make you feel more rooted than ever? After all ‘where you came from’ is fundamental question that needs to be answered . So that you have a sense of origin and understand the deeper meaning of various cultural celebrations and observations. So the next time you are celebrating navratri, or observing Ramadan or Lent, it would pay to really gain deeper understanding of what they stand for. That’s the cool quotient to aspire for!